Grassberg Collagen Premium 500 mg 60 Capsules


Grassberg Collagen Premium 500 mg 60 Capsules Kuwait

GRASSBERG COLLAGEN PREMIUM 500 – 60 CAPS Collagen Premium 500 is a hydrolyzed collagen, reinforced with vitamin C. It provides support to the skin, joints, and ligaments by maintaining the connective tissue structure. Collagen is a fibro protein found in the skin, cartilage, and bones, as well as all connective tissues of the body. It is also present in the vitreo membrane of the eye to provide viscosity. It is a natural protein that supports the structural system of the body. The main function of collagen is to provide strength and elasticity to the connective tissue. It represents 25% of total body protein content. Keeps joints healthy and flexible. Increases skin firmness and elasticity, smoothes fine lines and wrinkles. Reduces the risk of arthritis and arthrosis. Accelerates wound healing after trauma and surgery. Is a key component in the recovery processes. Reduces the risk of a musculoskeletal disorder.

Made in England


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